I wrote my first song in 2008, and have been jotting down lines in spurts and starts ever since. Most of the time I use real life experiences, using songwriting to revive all sorts of emotions. There are also songs where I completely make up the entire story line, allowing myself to just let go and dream for an afternoon! (Its a Great Escape!)
I am quite isolated on a farm in the middle of cattle country in western Canada. My daily interactions are with my husband and four young children, and my husband`s parents. Thank goodness for the internet, to allow for more visiting! I am always busy with cooking and cleaning and laundry and have a big garden each summer, preserving much of our food, and cooking (almost) every meal from scratch (if you need a recipe, just ask!).
It`s difficult to find any stretch of time to concentrate, but as my friend Tammy says, you can`t get diamonds without pressure. While I am sometimes overwhelmed with simple daily tasks, I find that my mind can often find a glimmer of a small crack, and squeezes out something refreshing, creative, and beautiful, through words and melody.
It`s a beautiful thing, this world.